New Member Benefit from ActionCOACH
Are you stuck in your business? Not sure where to go next? Just need some help in general?
If any of these describe you, then Business Coach Bonita Palmer can help with a very special offer just for MMT Chamber Members!
ProfitCLUB Mastermind is a group coaching program designed not only for leaders who want to grow but also for small businesses that do not have a lot to invest in anything outside of what it takes to keep their businesses running. It includes direction not only from Bonita, but access to proven ActionCOACH training materials. In addition, you’ll learn from other businesses in your group that are facing the same issues you are – or may be facing in the future.
MMT Chamber Members receive a discount on your first month’s fee, plus half-off the initiation/alignment fee. Learn more here and get started today: PROFITCLUB MASTERMIND CHAMBER BENEFIT AGREEMENT.