Update on Goshen Recovery Efforts: Can you help?

As you may remember, on July 6, Goshen Twp had a devastating tornado, destroying or damaging many homes and businesses. Luckily, there was no loss of life, however, there was significant building damage and personal property damage/loss.
Immediately, Goshen started taking care of its own, Goshen Strong! Also within the week, there were some large corporations who generously donated to the tornado disaster relief as well as community members and community groups, A Long Term Recovery Committee was set up to responsibly disperse that money back to those in need in cooperation with the Clermont EMA. This group of volunteers have met every Tuesday since the tornado with a case worker who meets with families of need to discuss each case.
There have been over 70 households helped to date and still many residents are suffering. I humbly serve on this committee. Unfortunately, we have come to the end of the funds that were donated.
This is where you can hopefully help. If you personally or your business is looking for an end-of-year tax relief donation to a 501c3 organization, please consider donating to the Connect Clermont Disaster Relief Fund to allow the LTRC to continue its work serving the residents of Goshen suffering from the tornado.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please take a moment to read this letter from the LTRC: Clermont LTRC Donation Request
Andy Evans
Evans Funeral Home VP
Long Term Recovery Committee Member
Milford Miami Twp Chamber of Commerce Member
Goshen Chamber of Commerce Pres
Goshen Lions Club Pres
Goshen Twp Historical Society Pres
Milford Kiwanis Club VP